
GMSR has a stellar track record and reputation as writs and appeals attorneys. Below is a sample of recent wins for our clients.

Sep 20, 2006 Kent L. Richland
Attorney disqualification order reversed in first-impression case

Fremont Indemnity Co. v. Fremont General Corp. (2006) 143 Cal.App.4th 50 (California Court of Appeal, Second District, Division Three (Los Angeles)) [published]. Marc Poster and Kent Richland secured this victory. The Court of Appeal held that the trial court had erred in disqualifying GMSR’s client

Aug 23, 2006 Robin Meadow
Court rebuffs attempt to expand elder abuse liability

Pagarigan v. Greater Valley Medical Group, Inc. (Aug. 23, 2006, B172642) 2006 WL 2425298 (California Court of Appeal, Second District, Division Seven (Los Angeles)) [nonpublished opinion]. Barbara Ravitz and Robin Meadow prevailed in this test case for expanding elder abuse liability beyond immediate caregivers. The

Appellant dismisses appeal after GMSR files its respondent’s brief

Zand v. Old Republic, Case No. G035874 (California Court of Appeal, Fourth District, Division Three (Santa Ana)). Cindy Tobisman and Robin Meadow won without even having to obtain a court decision. The plaintiff alleged that GMSR’s client, a title insurer, negligently concluded that his consent

Aug 16, 2006
Dismissal of medical malpractice action affirmed

Burrus v. City of Los Angeles (2006) U.S.App. LEXIS 21076 (United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit) [unpublished]. Lillie Hsu, Carolyn Oill and Marty Stein combined for this recent victory. In a memorandum decision, the Court affirmed the district court’s dismissal of the

Jul 24, 2006
Affirmance of dismissal ends employment claim saga

Feied v. Regents of University of California (July 24, 2006, A112481) 2006 WL 2046963 (California Court of Appeal, First District, Division Four (San Francisco)) [nonpublished opinion]. Marc Poster secured this victory in association with University counsel. A former University of California employee sought continuing retirement

Jun 22, 2006
Court of Appeal affirms award of appellate attorneys’ fees

Mir v. Iungerich & Spackman (June 22, 2006, B184463) 2006 WL 1704061 (California Court of Appeal, Second District, Division Three (Los Angeles)) [nonpublished opinion]. Peter Israel wrote the respondent’s brief in this case. The Court of Appeal affirmed a judgment for appellate fees in favor

Jun 20, 2006 Robin Meadow
Arbitration award affirmed against challenge that trial court erred in ordering case to arbitration

Meyerman v. Burgess (June 20, 2006, E037902) 2006 WL 1682627 (California Court of Appeal, Fourth District, Division Two (Riverside)) [nonpublished opinion]. Carolyn Oill and Robin Meadow won this affirmance. The appeal sought to overturn a highly favorable arbitration award on the ground that the trial

Court reverses post-appeal disqualification of trial judge

Kanode v. Farmers Insurance Exchange (2006) 2006 Cal.App. Unpub. LEXIS 3178 (California Court of Appeal, Fourth District, Division Three (Santa Ana)) [unpublished]. Cindy Tobisman and Bob Olson scored a quick writ victory here. After GMSR had obtained an affirmance on appeal of a trial court’s

Who We Serve


Whether on appeal, assisting trial counsel, or advising government officials contemplating legislative action, GMSR provides unique insight into the complex laws that impact public entities.

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Where coverage may exist, GMSR represents insureds on appeal effectively and efficiently. Where it does not, the firm protects insurers’ right to deny claims.

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GMSR offers corporate clients objective assessments on appeal, based on a deep understanding of the limitations and opportunities of appellate review.

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The firm’s lawyers are team players, collaborating with trial counsel at any level from legal strategy to writing or editing trial court motions and appellate briefs.

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GMSR vigorously advocates the rights of individual plaintiffs and defendants, in both state and federal appellate courts.

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As part of GMSR’s long-standing commitment to social justice and equality, GMSR provides pro bono appellate services to individuals and to community organizations on issues of concern.

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