News & Publications

Our team is at the forefront as the law develops—publishing, presenting, and receiving recognitions for our contributions. Read up on recent firm news here.

Jun 02, 2013
Overcoming Writer’s Block and Procrastination for Attorneys, Law Students, and Law Professors, 43 New Mexico Law Review 193 (Spring 2013) (with David A. Rasch)

To read the article, click here.

Your Skills: Between Trial and Appeal, There’s a Record, S.F. Recorder

Because it is the appellant who must affirmatively demonstrate error, there is no short cut to reviewing the entire record.  One needle-in-a-haystack piece of evidence or buried court finding can defeat what might otherwise appear to be an airtight appellate argument. In a 2013 Recorder

9th Circuit Judges Call for an End to Anti-SLAPP in Federal Court, Los Angeles Daily Journal (May 9, 2013)

In a Daily Journal article, Alana Rotter discusses anti-SLAPP practice in the Ninth Circuit and why it may come to an end.

Feb 23, 2013 Timothy T. Coates
Federal Civil Rights Act, California Governmental Tort Liability Practice (CEB)
Feb 06, 2013 Alana H. Rotter
Circuit Clarifies Anti-SLAPP Appeal Rules, Los Angeles Daily Journal (February 6, 2013)

In a Daily Journal article, Alana Rotter reviews the Ninth Circuit’s rules for appealing the denial of an anti-SLAPP motion.

Jan 30, 2013 Kent L. Richland
GMSR’s US Supreme Court practice featured in National Law Journal

The National Law Journal has published a profile of GMSR’s Supreme Court practice that features Kent Richland and Tim Coates as “Appellate Lawyers of the Week”.

Jun 21, 2012 Alana H. Rotter
2nd Guessing Good Faith Settlement Determinations, Law 360 (June 2012)
May 24, 2012 Kent L. Richland
Stern v. Marshall: A Dead-End Marathon?, 28 Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal 393 (2012)
Feb 22, 2012
GMSR victorious in United States Supreme Court and California Court of Appeal on same day

Ninth Circuit affirms judgment dismissing federal civil rights action by civil detainee against GMSR client for failure to file fourth amended complaint Court of Appeal issues writ directing summary judgment for GMSR’s client in case arising out of store shooting

Feb 03, 2012 Timothy T. Coates
Federal Civil Rights Act, California Governmental Tort Liability Practice (CEB)

Who We Serve


Whether on appeal, assisting trial counsel, or advising government officials contemplating legislative action, GMSR provides unique insight into the complex laws that impact public entities.

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Where coverage may exist, GMSR represents insureds on appeal effectively and efficiently. Where it does not, the firm protects insurers’ right to deny claims.

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GMSR offers corporate clients objective assessments on appeal, based on a deep understanding of the limitations and opportunities of appellate review.

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The firm’s lawyers are team players, collaborating with trial counsel at any level from legal strategy to writing or editing trial court motions and appellate briefs.

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GMSR vigorously advocates the rights of individual plaintiffs and defendants, in both state and federal appellate courts.

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As part of GMSR’s long-standing commitment to social justice and equality, GMSR provides pro bono appellate services to individuals and to community organizations on issues of concern.

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