Greines, Martin, Stein & Richland welcomes Tina Kuang as its first Appellate Fellow. GMSR’s new Appellate Fellowship program offers recent law school graduates an opportunity to explore an interest in appellate advocacy and to begin developing an appellate practice early in their careers.
Tina comes to GMSR with a strong background in appellate law, having externed for California Court of Appeal Justice John L. Segal and having briefed and argued a Ninth Circuit immigration appeal while a student at Loyola Law School. Tina also recently published a law review article about conversion claims to recover unpaid wages. (Too Many Remedies or Not Enough: Balancing Wage Theft and Other Public Policy Concerns in Voris v. Lampert, 54 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 881 (2021).)
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