California Supreme Court Watch

Jul 19, 2023
Downey v. City of Riverside, S280322.

#23-147 Downey v. City of Riverside, S280322. (D080377; 90 Cal.App.5th 1033; Riverside County Superior Court; RIC1905830.) Petition for review after the Court of Appeal reversed the judgment in a civil action. This case presents the following issue: In order to recover damages for negligent infliction of emotional distress as a bystander to an automobile accident allegedly caused by dangerous conditions on nearby properties, must the plaintiff allege that she was contemporaneously aware of the connection between the conditions of the properties and the victim’s injuries?

Petition for review granted: 7/19/2023

Case fully briefed: 1/08/2024

Cause argued and submitted: 5/22/2024

See the Court of Appeal Opinion.

See the Petition for Review.