California Supreme Court Watch

Dec 11, 2024
City of Oxnard v. Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, S287599.

#24-242 City of Oxnard v. Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, S287599.  (B328083; nonpublished opinion; Ventura County Superior Court; 56-2022-00563903-CU-MCVTA.)  Petition for review after the Court of Appeal affirmed the judgment in a civil action.  The court ordered briefing deferred pending decision in City of San Jose v. Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, S285426 (#24-145), which presents the following issue:  Is the issuance of pension obligation bonds to finance unfunded pension liability subject to the voter-approval requirement of article XVI, section 18, subdivision (a) of the California Constitution?

Petition for review granted; briefing deferred: 12/11/2024

Case fully briefed: 1/22/2025

See the Court of Appeal Opinion.