
GMSR has an enviable record of success on appeal. For your convenience, the firm has provided a simple search tool for guests and clients to search that record.

107 Case Results

Baltmar v. Towson, 2005 Cal.App. Unpub. LEXIS 3822

Construction of class action settlement agreements


Cohen v. Bank Leumi Le-Israel (July 28, 2005, B174254) 2005 WL 1775038 [nonpublished opinion]

Sufficiency of contact between foreign party and California resident to support exercise of jurisdiction



Schaeffer v. Superior Court, 2005 Cal. LEXIS 6144

Writ challenge regarding production of privileged lawyer-client emails and electronic databases containing constitutionally protected employee information

Gordon v. Superior Court (Apr. 25, 2005, No. B180554) 2005 WL 948851 [nonpublished opinion]

$500,000 sanction against party without proper notice or statutory authority

Deloitte & Touche, LLP v. Superior Court (Jan. 25, 2005, G034895)

Discovery rule as applied to statute of limitations for accounting malpractice

McCormick-Gordon v. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Jan. 24, 2005, B172622) 2005 WL 236558 [nonpublished opinion]

Propriety of rejecting medical malpractice expert’s testimony on the basis of the expert’s lack of qualifications and his failure to provide a reasonable basis for his opinions


Oliveros v. County of Los Angeles (2004) 120 Cal.App.4th 1389

Appropriateness of trial court’s denial of trial continuance where a party’s attorney is engaged in another trial

Hancock v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (June 21, 2004, B170831) 2004 WL 1376400 [nonpublished opinion]

Scope and effect of contractual waiver of right to jury trial; legal vs. equitable issues