GMSR has an enviable record of success on appeal. For your convenience, the firm has provided a simple search tool for guests and clients to search that record.
Court of Appeal affirms that a homeowner’s non-specific request to an insurance agent to cover “everything in the house” creates no duty requiring the agent to advise the insured about the inadequacy of their jewelry coverage
Court of Appeal reverses rulings shortening time to file attorney fee motion and denying motion as untimely
In a motor vehicle negligence case, the Court of Appeal reverses judgment and $500,000 cost-of-proof attorney fee award
Court of Appeal affirms summary judgment for GMSR’s City client, finding no dangerous condition of public property
Court of Appeal reverses judgment, ordering Proposition 51 apportionment retrial
GMSR secures win enforcing the right to attorney fees under the Mobilehome Residency Law
GMSR secures win enforcing the right to attorney fees under the Mobilehome Residency Law
Court of Appeal affirms summary judgment, holding that insurance policy does not cover infringement of models’ rights of publicity
Court of Appeal reverses order denying settlement enforcement and interprets settlement under CCP 998 in favor of GMSR’s clients
GMSR defeats entertainment company’s novel appeal for pandemic coverage
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All rights reserved. Disclaimer - Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
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Los Angeles, California 90048
p: (310) 859 7811 | f: (310) 276 5261
50 California Street, Suite 1500
San Francisco, CA 94111
p: (415) 315 1774
© 2025 Greines, Martin, Stein & Richland LLP.
All rights reserved. Disclaimer - Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
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