
GMSR has an enviable record of success on appeal. For your convenience, the firm has provided a simple search tool for guests and clients to search that record.

646 Case Results

Celador Internat., Inc. v. American Broadcasting Cos., Inc. (9th Cir. 2012) 499 Fed.Appx. 721

Television show creator found contractually entitled to 50% of network’s profits; substantial evidence supported jury’s $269 million damages award

Guerrette v. Farmers Group, Inc. (Nov. 28, 2012, B237819) 2012 WL 5936702 [nonpublished opinion]

Plaintiff lost his house and much of his personal property in a fire. His insurance carrier, GMSR’s client, stopped paying his claim upon discovering that plaintiff had made four material misrepresentations in the submission of his claim. At the trial of his suit for breach

Nicolas v. City of Riverside (9th Cir. 2012) 486 Fed.Appx. 699

Plaintiff’s first ex-husband was murdered in the City of Riverside. Plaintiff and two others were charged with the murder. Plaintiff was acquitted. She sued GMSR’s clients, the City of Riverside and two Riverside Police Department detectives, under 28 U.S.C. § 1983, claiming a violation of


Long v. County of Los Angeles (Oct. 30, 2012, No. B229173) 2012 WL 5335311 [nonpublished opinion]

Plaintiff, a former employee of GMSR’s client, County of Los Angeles, sought reimbursement of attorney’s fees he allegedly incurred in assisting in the County’s defense of litigation. The trial court found that he was required to comply with the Claims Act and failed to do

Language Line Services, Inc. v. Language Services Associates, Inc. (9th Cir. Sept. 24, 2012, No. 11-17757) 2012 WL 4337722 [mem. disp.]

GMSR’s client, Language Line Services, is the country’s largest provider of interpretation services. One of its employees left to join a competitor, taking with him highly confidential customer information. Language Line obtained a broad injunction barring any use of the stolen information and requiring a

Aguilar v. Goldstein (2012) 207 Cal.App.4th 1152

Breach of fiduciary duty claim not barred by anti-SLAPP statute, because it did not “arise from” earlier lawsuit filed by defendants

Ginsberg v. Gamson (2012) 205 Cal.App.4th 873

Court of Appeal reverses and directs entry of judgment for GMSR’s client in lease dispute, holding that lease was not perpetual

Filarsky v. Delia (2012) 566 U.S. 377 (amicus)

In a case that GMSR identified as a likely certiorari candidate and authored the sole amicus curiae brief supporting the certiorari petition, the Supreme Court reversed, holding that a private individual temporarily hired to carry out a public entity’s work is entitled to assert qualified immunity


Williams v. County of Los Angeles (Apr. 16, 2012, B229683) 2012 WL 1260163 [nonpublished opinion]

“Plaintiff was a lay advocate, representing public employees before the Civil Service Commission. After the Commission banned him from appearing before it and its hearing officers for disruptive behavior, plaintiff sued multiple parties, including the Commission, the County of Los Angeles, and a former fire

Farmers Insurance Exchange v. Song (Feb. 23, 2012, A131132) 2012 WL 593164 [nonpublished opinion]

The Court of Appeal affirmed a preliminary injunction in favor of GMSR’s insurer client against its former sales agent. The agent’s agreement with the insurer provided that “all manuals, lists and records of any kind (including information pertaining to policyholders and expirations)” were the principal’s