Partner Emeritus

Timothy T. Coates



Timothy Coates is one of the country’s leading appellate attorneys representing public entities and their employees.  Over the past thirty-eight years, Tim has briefed and argued over 250 appeals in the state and federal appellate courts, including seven victories in the United States Supreme Court.  Tim has been recognized as the “go-to” lawyer for governmental entities in civil appeals and related law and motion proceedings in major cases in the areas of civil rights, environmental regulation, employment, and general tort liability.

Tim has also represented managed care organizations and other healthcare providers in medical malpractice actions, breach of contract and bad faith claims, and regulatory matters under the Medicare and Medicaid Acts.

In media, Tim is regularly acknowledged for his success and impact on the law.  Reuters named Tim one of the “Top Petitioners” in the United States Supreme Court based on his success in having review granted in that Court, and the Los Angeles Daily Journal recognized Tim as one of the top 100 attorneys in California based on his success in the Supreme Court.  In addition, Tim has received the prestigious California Lawyer of the Year award for his United States Supreme Court work.  He has been named a Southern California Super Lawyer in the area of appellate practice and has also been named in The Best Lawyers In America® (Appellate Law).

Notable Wins


Dondlinger v. Los Angeles County Regional Park & Open Space Dist. (2019) 31 Cal.App.5th 994

Suit seeking to invalidate a voter-approved special property tax imposed by the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District. The judgment is affirm...

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Williams v. Moulton Niguel Water District (2018) 22 Cal.App.5th 1198

In a published opinion, the Court of Appeal affirmed judgment

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Los Angeles County Flood Control Dist. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. (2013) 568 U.S. 78

Obtained Reversal

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Speaking and Involvement

Presenter, "Success on Appeal in Section 1983 Cases," International Municipal Lawyers Association
Presenter, "Municipal Tort and Civil Rights Liability Update," League of California Cities Annual Conference
Presenter, “Coming Attractions: Open Issues in Civil Rights Litigation Ripe for Supreme Court Review,” International Municipal Lawyers Association Webinar
Panelist, "Qualified Immunity Under Attack –Analysis of Current Attitudes, Application and Attempts at Abolishment," National League of Cities Risk Information Sharing Consortium
Presenter, "Municipal Tort and Civil Rights Liability Update," League of California Cities Annual Conference
Presenter, "Is It Worth The Time And Expense? Knowing When And Whether To Appeal," International Municipal Lawyers Association’s 85th Annual Conference
Presenter, “Covering The Bases — Tips For Successfully Litigating Qualified Immunity On Summary Judgment,” International Municipal Lawyers Association’s 2019 Mid-Year Seminar
Municipal Tort and Civil Rights Litigation Update, League of California Cities Annual Conference
The Appeal Killers – Avoiding Reptile Tactics And Other Traps That Can Doom Your Appeal Before It Begins, County Counsels’ Association Civil Law & Litigation Conference
Presenter, "Issues With Video Evidence On Appeal"and "Totality Of Circumstances Under Graham v. Connor: How Far Back Do You Go?" International Municipal Lawyers Association’s 83rd Annual Conference
Presenter, "Open Issues in Section 1983 Litigation," International Municipal Lawyers Association’s 2018 Mid-Year Seminar
Presenter, "Municipal Tort and Civil Rights Litigation Update," League of California Cities® 2018 Spring Conference
Presenter, "When & Whether To Appeal: A Guide To Appeals in Section 1983 Cases," DRI’s Civil Rights & Governmental Tort Liability Seminar
Presenter, "Special Issues for Public Entities in Appellate Practice," International Municipal Lawyers Association’s 82nd Annual Conference
Presenter, "Municipal Tort and Civil Rights Litigation Update," League of California Cities® 2017 Annual Conference
Presenter, "A Moving Target: Evolving Standards On The Establishment Clause," California County Counsel Association Civil Law and Litigation Spring 2017 Conference
Presenter, "United States Supreme Court Search & Seizure cases as applied to SWAT teams," National Tactical Officer Association Legal Summit, Chandler, Arizona, June 2016
Presenter, "What Trial Lawyers Need To Know About Appeals," Federal Bar Association, Northern District of California Chapter
Presenter, "Qualified Immunity and Municipal Liability," La Verne University of Law Section 1983 Symposium
Panelist, "California Government Tort Liability: Claims, Litigation and Recent Developments," California Continuing Education of the Bar (CEB)
Presenter, "Success on Appeal: Advice From Appellate Counsel, Questions an Appellate Lawyer Would Ask and You Should Ask When Taking or Defending an Appeal," County Counsels' Association of California Annual Conference
Presenter, "The Bread and Butter Defenses: A Short Overview of the Claims Statute and Immunities," Los Angeles County Counsel Seminar
Presenter, "Litigating and Settling Section 1983 Fee Claims," Lorman Educational Services, San Diego, California
Recent Developments in Police Civil Liability Litigation
The Human Rights Act: The Practical Implications for British Policing – Learning from the U.S. Experience, London, England
Presenter, "Civil Writs in the California Courts of Appeal," California State Bar Convention
Presenter, "Appellate Practice for Public Entities," County Counsels' Association of California Annual Conference

Professional Associations

International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA), Co-Chair California State Region and Litigation Section
Defense Research Institute (DRI), Seminar Planning and Governmental Liability Committees
Los Angeles County Bar Association, Appellate Courts Committee
League of California Cities, Public Records Act Publication Committee (2007-2008)
Federal Bar Association, Appellate Practice Section
Settlement Officer, California Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District, Division Two