
Gary J. Wax



Gary Wax, an appellate lawyer, represents a wide range of clients in civil appeals and in writ proceedings, including business owners, property owners, insurers, employers, public entities, film finance lenders, film producers, bankruptcy creditors, and trademark holders.

Gary also regularly provides assistance to trial counsel in proposing jury instructions and verdict forms and drafting dispositive motions and oppositions—all with a keen eye toward helping preserve the record for any future appeal.  Gary takes pleasure in drafting targeted motions in limine that eliminate entire issues or experts from an adversary’s case.

Before joining GMSR as an appellate lawyer, Gary worked in the film industry as a creative executive, where he acquired distribution rights for feature films such as the Oscar-nominated City of God.  Gary now uses his appreciation for effective storytelling to deliver persuasive briefs and arguments for clients seeking to uphold or reverse their trial court judgments in California state or federal appellate courts.

Gary’s top five favorite legal films of all time:  12 Angry Men, A Few Good Men, The Verdict, True Believer, and Primal Fear.  Ask Gary about the rest of his top 500 movie rankings.

Some of Gary’s important published wins for his clients include:

**Call or email Gary when you have ANY questions about how to file a civil appeal in California state court or the Ninth Circuit**


Notable Wins


Beaudreau v. Burnham USA Equities, Inc. et al. (Aug. 23, 2022, G059971) 2022 WL 3593351

Reaffirmed existing law that businesses with perpendicular parking generally have no duty to protect against curb-jumping vehicles

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Carachure v. Scott (2021) 70 Cal.App.5th 16

Clarified existing law regarding a court's power to (1) grant partial nonsuit on an affirmative defense and (2) unilaterally approve a settlement agreement

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Pryor et al. v. Fitness International, LLC (Jan. 3, 2019, B287329) 2019 WL 92775

Reaffirmed that an employer owes no duty to the general public to keep a drug-addled employee at work through the end of his shift

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Speaking and Involvement

Appellate Tips for Trial Lawyers, Provisors, Valley Lawyers Affinity Group
Special Verdicts: Advantages & Pitfalls, Association of Business Trial Lawyers
Keeping The Lid On The Policy, American Property Casualty Insurance Association
MAXIM-izing Results in Any Insurance Case: How to Use the Maxims of Jurisprudence to Persuade, American Property Casualty Insurance Association
CYA (Coach Your Attorneys): How to Help Your Outside Counsel Preserve the Record for an Appeal, American Property Casualty Insurance Association
Is Dynamex Dynamite? Evaluating Dynamex’s Potentially Explosive Effects On Tort Defendants, Employers, And The Gig Economy; Association of Southern California Defense Counsel Seminar
Stop Controlling Me! Recent Legal Developments In Employee/Independent Contractor Classification In The Gig Economy, 29th Annual PCI Western Region General Counsel Seminar
Experts: Can’t Live With Them, Can’t Live Without Them, 28th Annual ACIC General Counsel Seminar
The Importance of Post-Judgment Motions, MCLE presentation the Los Angeles Law Library
Reptiles, Picassos and Stealth Bombers: Tips for Combatting Plaintiffs’ “Reptile” Theory and Other Aggressive Efforts to Inflate Non-Economic Tort Damages, ACIC’s 27th Annual General Counsel Seminar
“Secret Agents”: The Coverage You Didn’t Think You’d Be Providing, ACIC’s 26th Annual General Counsel Seminar
Paparazzi Law in a Flash: Examining California’s Past, Present and Future, Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Review Symposium

Professional Associations

Association of Southern California Defense Counsel (ASCDC)
Association of Business Trial Lawyers (ABTL) - Board Member and Co-Editor of ABTL Report
Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA)
Beverly Hills Bar Association (BHBA)
DRI - Defense Research Institute