
Corona v. City of Riverside (Oct. 22, 2019, D075558) 2019 WL 5387287

While riding his bicycle, plaintiff was hit by a car in a controlled intersection. Because of his injuries, plaintiff could not recall how the accident happened, including where he was and the direction he was traveling just before the collision. He sued GMSR’s client City of Riverside, arguing that the intersection was in a dangerous condition because it did not have bicycle sensors in the road. The city prevailed on several motions in limine, which left plaintiff with no evidence that the city had a duty to install bicycle detectors before the accident, or that the accident was not caused by plaintiff’s own carelessness. After plaintiff’s opening statement, in which he failed to identify any evidence he would produce to support his case, the court granted the city’s motion for nonsuit.

The Court of Appeal affirmed, finding plaintiff had failed to identify any error in the trial court’s conclusions.

California Court of Appeal Opinion – View Document