
Wood v. Sparks Enterprises LP (Oct. 2, 2019, G056181) 2019 WL 4854837

Plaintiff filed a negligence action against GMSR’s client, a shopping center owner, alleging that he was injured when he walked into a pole in a landscaped area separating a parking lot from the sidewalk.  A jury found in favor of the property owner.  Plaintiff appealed, arguing that the trial court abused its discretion in denying plaintiff’s pre-trial motion to supplement his expert witness list to add a new expert and in excluding from evidence at trial a computer animation of the incident.  Agreeing with GMSR that plaintiff failed to preserve those issues in the trial court and that, in any event, there was no abuse of discretion, the Court of Appeal affirmed the judgment in favor of the property owner.

California Court of Appeal Opinion – View Document