
Daniels v. Southern California Edison Co. (July 8, 2019, E069183) 2019 WL 2912505

A firefighter was electrocuted when he touched the firetruck he was working on at the same time his crewmember rotated the truck’s aerial ladder into a 25-foot-high power line owned by GMSR’s client, Southern California Edison.  The firefighter sued, alleging that Edison negligently failed to properly mark the lines with “high voltage” signage as required by regulations.  The trial court granted Edison’s motion for summary judgment, agreeing with Edison that regardless of the condition or placement of the signs, those signs could not have caused plaintiff’s injury because undisputed testimony established that Daniels and his crewmembers never looked for them.  GMSR secured an affirmance of the judgment on appeal—the Court of Appeal agreed with the trial court on the issue of causation and rejected Daniels’ other arguments.