California Supreme Court Watch

Apr 10, 2024
Center for Biological Diversity, Inc. v. Public Utilities Com., S283614.

#24-63 Center for Biological Diversity, Inc. v. Public Utilities Com., S283614. (A167721; 98 Cal.App.5th 20, mod. 98 Cal.App.5th 659e; Public Utilities Commission; 2212056.) Petition for review after the Court of Appeal affirmed a decision of the Public Utilities Commission. This case presents the following issues: (1) What standard of review applies to judicial review of a Public Utilities Commission decision interpreting provisions of the Public Utilities Code? (2) Did the Public Utilities Commission proceed in the manner required by law, specifically Public Utilities Code section 2827.1, subdivision (b)(1) and (3), when it adopted the successor tariff in Decision Revising Net Energy Metering Tariff and Subtariffs (2022) Cal.P.U.C. Dec. No. D.22-12-056?

Petition for review granted: 4/10/2024

Opening brief on the merits filed: 6/10/2024

Answer brief on the merits filed: 9/13/2024

See the Court of Appeal Opinion.

In the news: Nikolewski, California Supreme Court to hear appeal seeking to overturn new rooftop solar rules, The San Diego Union-Tribune (April 15, 2024).